Tuesday, April 24, 2007

My blog is closed

Im am closing my, this will be the last post, check for updates on my webpage.

Friday, April 20, 2007

What I have learned in EDM 310

Well I have had some prior experience with some of the stuff in the class. The website and flier I felt confortable with. The Excel spread sheets I worked with a little but I didn't know it could be used for so much. The grade book and cancatenate functions opened up a whole new use for excel. I missed the discussion on pay out tables and im still working to figure that part out.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Test Today

I thought the first three parts were easy but having to go back and remember all the financial stuff was a little hard. I hope i get it finished today.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Thanks to Dr. Strange Im Back On Blogging

If you noticed there is a big gap in my blogging and then lately I been doing some heavy blogging to try and catch up. I thought that since I already had an account i was considered an 'Old' blogger. After sending emails to blogger I couldn't figure out why i couldn't get online. Dr. Strange figured it out in under 5 seconds, thanks Dr. Strange.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Check Out My Website

(Click Here) its a working progress but its getting there.

International Blogs K - 12

The World Schools Debating Championships Blog. There are no acutal debates going on but the debate the blog is used as a place to update teams from around the world on up coming tournoments. Schools can also post pictures of previous tournoments. On the front page is a picture of Bangladesh debates.

The British debate blog is using their blog in a similiar way. Im finidng that alot of debate teams are using blogs to cooridnate there efforts to help their team out. Just like the World Schols Debating Championships blog, the British debate blog is focued on the British Debate teams. With primary and secondary schools both being represented in the blog, the main purpous in to inform people on the daily changes of events.

Blogs in K - 12 schools

The Grand View Libriary uses blogs to help update parents on book list and tips to aiding their children read better. Each grade is on a project that the website gives requirements for. A digital journal is used for students to colaborate effords and work together. I noticed that many teacher's update the blog. That would be an advantage of a blog since websites would need a webmaster. The picture above is the librian in charge of the blog

Blogs in K - 12 schools

The Blog for Meriwether Lewis Elementary School is used for many reasons. Just by looking around you can see its main purpous is mainly to update parents on upcoming events. They have items like School calender and pricipals notes that he can post quicly becuase its a blog. There is a PTA section to update those members. The Lunch section tells parents what to expect.

Pros and Cons of Blogging

I guess to start of with negatives blogging can be a little difficult to those that are not use to computers. Another negative is associated with the chatting of Blog. If I had a class, I would have to pay attention to who my students where communicating with.

On a positive side, i remember as a child my teacher setting us up with a pen pal. I remember how exciting it was to recieve mail and how eager I was to participate in reading and writing. This would be a much simplier way to create pen pals for your class, on a much larger scale. Instead of a student having a single pen pal the message can be viewed by many.

Saints Lose

Saints lost in the NFC Title Game, a sad ending to a great season

Sunday, January 28, 2007

My TKD school website

Here is the link to my TKD website Click Me

Monday, January 15, 2007

Saints Win

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Being a Saints fan my whole life, this past saturday Jan. 13th 2007 was the best!

Thursday, January 11, 2007

link to tuesday thursday 2 class blog

go to the tuesday thursday 2 class blog Click Here

My First Blog

My first blog in EDM 315 with Dr. John Strange.